Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Here She Goes!

So I am pretty new to this kind of thing. I have never written a blog before, and don't think of myself as much of a writer, but I figured I would give it a shot and see how I liked it. I am calling it Luke's Ramblings because I do tend to ramble at times when I have had to write papers or anything in the past and so that is probably what I will do here at times. Not so sure anyone will really even read this stuff, but oh well I guess I'll find out.

Anyway, there hasn't been a lot of interesting stuff going on lately. Mostly just the same old stuff like school and work. I did just make a bet with my friend TK. We are seeing who can go the longest being a vegetarian. Didn't seem like it would be too tough at first, but it has only been about 4 days and it is killing me. Seems like I am always seeing commercials for delicious looking hamburgers and stuff on tv, and when I go out to restaurants it is hard to find anything to eat. I sure am glad that I am not a vegetarian, and next time I do go out to eat I think I will probably end up eating something good and just losing the bet. Oh well, what I have to do if I lose isn't too bad and I will let you know what it is when/if I lose.

So I guess I will call it a night since it is 2:20 AM right now. I have been meaning to start getting to sleep earlier and waking up earlier, but it is a tough habit to break. So there is my first entry and hopefully it will get better with time, and I might get some more interesting things to talk about. Until then, just enjoy life cause I sure am.


  1. Awesome thought process champ, do you have any bedouin lands I could go camping in?

  2. I listened to your music for like an hour.. so deft for being deaf you are..
